Grip X lets you dominate all-mountain.
As mountain bike riding and racing hasevolved, so too have the need of athletespushing the potential of what is possible on amountain bike.
Drawing on 50 years of suspensioninnovation, in 2024 FOX is launching threenew dampers—each engineered from theground up—that represent the pinnacle ofsuspension performance; the Grip X2 forultimate descending performance, The Grip Xfor uncompromised all-mountain traction,and the Grip SL, the lightest XC damper withunparalleled ride feel.
When it’s time to climb, simply rotate thehigh-speed compression adjuster clockwiseuntil you feel the final distinct click. At thatpoint, Grip X simultaneously closes both highand low-speed compression, allowing a firmplatform for efficient power transfer to thepedals. Before dropping in, back the highspeed adjuster off to the desired setting anddescend with all the added traction andpredictability, without compromise.
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