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FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet
  • FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet
  • FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet
  • FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet
  • FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet


FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork - 29, 170 mm, 15 x 110 mm, 44 mm Offset, Shiny Black, Grip X2, 68 Headtube Clearance Factory Outlet

$1,249.00  $312.00
Save: 75% off

Availability : In-Stock

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Product Description

GRIP X2 is the winning difference.

As mountain bike riding and racing hasevolved, so too have the need of athletespushing the potential of what is possible on amountain bike.

Drawing on 50 years of suspensioninnovation, in 2024 FOX is launching threenew dampers—each engineered from theground up—that represent the pinnacle ofsuspension performance; the Grip X2 forultimate descending performance, The Grip Xfor uncompromised all-mountain traction,and the Grip SL, the lightest XC damper withunparalleled ride feel.

To create the ultimate descent-focuseddamper, we sought the level of tunabilityseen in motocross and supercross racingsuspension. Our award-winning Grip 2damper had a 20mm base valve diameterand seven valves. Grip X2 scaled up thetunability by increasing the base valvediameter to 24mm with 23 valves. Theresult is the most tunable, supportive, andsmoothest descent-focused fork damperever created by FOX.

Riders reap the benefits of sitting higherin the travel while tires stay glued to theground. They can corner with increasedtraction, giving them the confidence to pushthe limits of downhill and enduro racing, allwhile reducing overall rider fatigue.

Forks with a 68HT designation refers to the diameter of the head tube of the bike. Most standard bikes use a 58HT whereas most E-Bikes commonly use the 68HT.

FOX 38 Factory Suspension Fork Suspension Fork

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