FOX's Newest Technology - Live Valve NEO -
Live Valve Neo Sensor Kit (Required for shock to function)
Neo debuted in August 2024, with the Transfer Neowireless dropper post, giving riders an ultra-fast responsetime between pressing the lever and micro-adjustingthe height of their dropper. But the true potential ofNeo was realized when we applied it to wirelesselectronic suspension.
The only thing worse than bad suspension is unpredictablesuspension. Your shock shouldn’t have to rely on extensiveor historical power input data to predict how you’re riding.Once installed and set up, it should act exactly the way youwant, when you want, with no noticeable lag.
Live Valve Neo is made up of four components
- 1 - Fork Sensor - is mounted to thefront brake caliper. Using a built-inaccelerometer, it determines both the angleof the terrain you are riding, and the bumpforce experienced by the front tire.
- 2 - Rear Sensor - is mounted to the rearbrake caliper. It determines the bump forceexperienced by the rear tire but does notmeasure terrain angle, since that is alreadydetermined by the Fork Sensor.
- 3 - Controller - is built into the rearshock, and will Open or Firm the shock’scompression circuit based on trail datafrom the sensors. The controller ispowered by a single rechargeable battery –the same battery and charger that are usedwith the Transfer Neo dropper post.
- 4 - Fox Bike App - guides users throughsystem setup with helpful tutorials, displaysbattery level, monitors firmware updatesand reports diagnostics. Riders who wantto customize suspension performance totheir preference can do so via the app withLive Valve Neo Tunes. See page 15 for moreon Live Valve Neo Tunes.
How it Works?
What separates Live Valve Neo from other electronicsuspension systems? It’s how it helps you ride faster inevery situation, whether climbing, traversing or descending.When commanded by the sensors, the shock will switchbetween two positions—Open and Firm—in as littleas 1/70th of a second.
Live Valve Neo does not employ a third “Pedal” mode,which some riders may perceive as necessary whenclimbing technical trails, or pedaling through low angletechnical sections. Live Valve Neo can switch betweenOpen and Firm so fast that a “middle ground” setting isnot necessary. You get full support of Firm mode exactlywhen you need it, and the plushness of Open modeexactly when you want it.
Three elements work together to achieve Live Valve Neo’sspeed advantage:
- Sensors only transmit the info they need to I.e. whenthe shock needs to open.
- Neo communicates a command from the sensors tothe controller in as little as one millisecond.
- A 2-position magnetic latching solenoid opens orfirms the shock’s compression circuit significantlyfaster than a motor, while remaining virtually silent.
How it Rides?
The ultra-fast switch between Open and Firm Mode lets youexperience the efficiency of riding a hardtail, but only whenyou want it. This allows riders to maintain momentum andspeed easier than ever before, in all sorts of riding scenarios.Some examples:
- Pumping out of corners. The shock may open brieflyin the middle of a corner to maintain traction, but bythe time you’re ready to exit the corner, the rear of thebike will be firmer, more supportive, and conducive topumping for speed.
- . Getting airborne. If your shock is firm during takeofffrom a jump or drop, the Controller will detect that youare airborne after takeoff, and open your shock so it’sready to absorb when you touch down on the landing.
- Riding through a short technical section on anotherwise smooth climb. When climbing, Live Valve Neodefaults to Firm, but after your front wheel encountersits first obstacle, your rear shock can open to absorbthe impact, then quickly firm up for power out of thetechnical section.
- On an eMTB, riders climb faster and spend more timeseated, experiencing higher impacts on climbs. Openingthe shock—when needed—absorbs more of that impact.OEMs can also tune shim stacks inside the Live ValveNeo shock to forego an e-bike’s stiff pedaling platformin favor of unrestrained descent performance. Live ValveNeo’s Firm mode creates its own pedaling platform.
Understanding Tunes
Live Valve Neo is always working in the backgroundwhether you are climbing, traversing or descending.But how it operates in each of those scenarios is different.This is where tunable algorithms—what we refer to asTunes—come into play.
Each Live Valve Neo Tune consists of three states:Climb, Flat and Descend. The Fork Sensor detects theangle of your bike and toggles between these three states.
While a Live Valve Neo shock will default to Firm modein all riding scenarios, having specific states within eachTune means the system can bias towards support duringclimbs or traverses, but open more easily (and stay open)on longer descents.
Each of the above states has a force threshold required toopen the shock, and a timer for exactly how long it shouldstay open. If another bump (that exceeds the threshold) isdetected during the Open Timer, the timer resets and yourshock will stay open. If no significant bump is detectedbefore the Open Timer expires, the shock reverts to Firm.
To summarize, as you ride, the Fork Sensor determinesthe Tune state (Climb, Flat or Descend) and the Controllerinstantly updates the bump thresholds and Open timers ofyour shock accordingly.
Neo-equipped shocks will ship with five Tunes designedby FOX to work for most riders. These Tunes are recipesour engineers created for excellent on-trail performancefrom our Live Valve Neo shocks, for any rider weight, inany trail region:
- Standard - For most rider preferences, in a variety of terrain.
- Firm - For riders who prefer a firmer platform, even when encountering small bumps and obstacles on-trail.
- Plush - For riders who prefer a softer ride, favoring comfort over efficiency.
- Open - Overrides the Live Valve Neo system, keeps your shock Open in all riding scenarios.
- Closed - Overrides the Live Valve Neo system, keeps your shock Firm in every riding scenario, except when landing a jump or drop.
What's in the Box?
What is included when I purchase a FLOAT X or DHX Live Valve Neo shock?
Receive your selected shock with built-in Controller, and a FOX battery block installed in place of the rechargeable Live Valve Neo battery.
The rechargeable battery, sensors and charger required to operate the Live Valve Neo system must be purchased in a separate kit.
DHX Live Valve Neo shocks do not include a spring.

What Brake Systems Work with the Bump Sensors?
Bump sensors are understood to be compatible with current Shimano and SRAM production hydraulic MTB brakes. Examples of current production brakes are as follows: XTR M9100, Deore XT M8100, SLX M7100, Deore M6100, Saint M82, Magura MT7, and TRP DHR Evo.
FOX Float X Live Valve Neo Rear Shock Rear Shock UPC: 0821973500393