OneUp Components Clip Pedals
OneUp wanted the con dence inspiring feel of at pedals with theef ciency and performance of clips. The result is a super thin,lightweight pedal with a large platform that’s strong enough forall riding styles. This is how clip pedals are supposed to feel.
Clip Pedals
At only 26.8mm, OneUp Clip Pedals are the thinnest mountainbike clip pedals in the world. The thin, large platform has pins thatactually touch your shoe and a precise cleat t that doesn’t sacri ceoat or ease of release. Get a more connected feel, with moresupport and less pedal strikes.
- Weight: 410g with pins (4 pins per side)
- Thickness: 14.4mm (body), 26.8mm (cage)
- Size: 80mm x 90mm (W x L)
- Stance width: 57.5mm (centre of clip to outside of crank face)
- Float: 5° (12° release angle)
- Cleats: SPD Compatible (includes 1mm cleat spacers for shoe t tuning )
- Bearing con guration: Inboard Igus Bushing and 3x outboard sealed cartridge bearings
- Axle: Chromoly Steel with Black ED coating
- Pins: Hollow threaded pins (self cleaning hex through hole)
- Colours: Black, Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Purple, Bronze
- Certi cation: XC, DH, Trail
Your New Favorite Pedal
OneUp's Clip Pedals let riders ne tune the feel of their pedals forhow they ride. The cleat interface and binding mechanism have awider range of adjustment than Shimano. Adjustable pins and cleatspacers allow perfect t with any shoe. And the range of colorsmatch any bike perfectly.
OneUp OneUp Clipless Pedals Pedals