FOX's Newest Innovation - Transfer NEO Dropper Post
FOX has pushed the innovation of dropper postsfor well over a decade. The latest iteration of ourTransfer dropper post rose again for model year2025 with taller drop, improved durability, and morefeatures than ever before.
The next stage in Transfer’s evolution—somethingour riders have been asking for—was to makeit wireless. Rather than match what othermanufacturers are doing, we exceeded the currentofferings by answering specific needs of riders: Longer drop. Lower stack height.Greater tire clearance. Faster actuation. A natural lever feel.
FOX achieved these asks not only with a ground-upexternal design, but with the fastest wirelessconnectivity in cycling. This is Transfer Neo.
Riders are seeking faster actuation of theirdropper posts with minimal force to the lever,allowing them to micro-adjust saddle height asneeded on any terrain. To make Transfer Neo’sactuation feel instantaneous, we needed a signalto reach the dropper at a speed faster than anywireless protocol that was already in-market. Forthis reason, we made Neo.
Like a Formula 1 race car, Neo has all thenon-essential functions of its wireless protocolstripped away in favor of speed. How fast?Over 100x faster than Bluetooth and 20x fasterthan our closest competitor.
What does that mean on the bike? Virtually zerolatency between actuating the dropper lever andyour post moving to exactly where you want it.
Neo opened the door to FOX creating the bestwireless dropper post in the industry, but it neededto do more than what riders already expected,a cleaner cockpit, easy installation and a short leverthrow. Every element of Transfer Neo was criticallydesigned, tested and improved through our RacingApplications and Development (RAD) program: External design that reduces stack height, Battery placement for increased tire clearance, & Lever design for the most ergonomic and natural feel
Ergononic Lever
Transfer Neo’s lever was designed to be as familiarfeeling as possible. The rubber-coated thumb padmimics the texture and distance from the handlebarof a regular Transfer lever, but with a shorter throw.
A shorter throw means the lever can be rotatedfurther under the bar to avoid contact with therider’s thumb knuckle, for more ergonomic actuation.Haptic feedback from the lever ensures the ridersenses when they’ve actuated their dropper post.
The sleek packaging of the Transfer Neo leverallows it to sit just 36mm below the handlebar,10mm less than the competition. This means lesschance of contact between the lever and thebike’s top tube. For reference, the center of thelever’s thumb
Lever Specs
- CR2032 Battery ( Tool-Free Replacement , Easily Accessible, 1-Year Expected Battery Life)
- Standard 22.2MM, MatchMaker and I-Spec EV Clamping Options
- Rubber Overmolded Thumb Pad
- 6x Lever Throw Reduction Compared to Standard Transfer Lever
- Pairing Button and Indicator LED
- IPx7 Waterproof Rating
- 62G (With 22.2mm clamp) Stiffness Optimizied Crown
With its low profile, short throw, light action andeasy-access battery port, this lever is one of thestandout features of Transfer Neo, and a favoriteof FOX staff riders and athletes.
App Optimized
Transfer Neo is fully supported bythe Ride FOX Bike app. Riders canquicky access an overview of TransferNeo components, download firmwareupdates and activate useful featureslike Bike Park Mode, Transport Mode,and monitor service interval tracking.
Bike Park Mode temporarily disablesyour Transfer Neo dropper lever,preventing accidental seat postextension when riding downhill trails.Bike park riders no longer need toflip their wireless dropper lever tothe bar’s topside to avoid accidentalactuation. This mode can be quicklydeactivated by rapidly pressing thelever four times, or via the app.
Transport Mode is designed toconserve battery power in TransferNeo while your bike is in transit(e.g. long car rides).
When this mode is active, TransferNeo will power off automaticallywith its “Shake to Wake” functionalitydisabled. To deactivate Transportmode, drop the rear of the bike froma few feet off the ground (allow itto bounce), or simply remove andreinsert the battery.
The Transfer Neo controller tracksand reports service intervals via theapp. Previously, intervals were definedby ride hours. More accurately,Transfer Neo should be serviced onceper 8,000 post actuations with appnotifications when service is due.The app also displays service pricingand details, with the ability to createa service request or pinpoint nearbyservice locations.

FOX Transfer NEO Factory Dropper Seatpost Dropper Seatpost